Redshift v3

REDSHIFT V3.0.16 WIN X64 Redshift v3.0.16 Win x64 | Redshift may be a powerful GPU-accelerated renderer, built to satisfy the precise demands of up to date high-end production rendering. Tailored to support creative individuals and studios of each size, Redshift offers a set of powerful features and integrates with industry standard CG applications. Redshift is an award-winning, production ready GPU renderer for fast 3D rendering and is that the world's first fully GPU-accelerated biased renderer. All Features Out of core geometry and textures Redshift's efficient memory management allows rendering of scenes containing many many polygons and TBs of texture data. Global Illumination Achieve blazingly fast lighting fixture using biased point-based GI techniques, also as brute-force GI. World-leading performance Harnessing the raw power of the GPU and using intelligent sampling techniques makes Redshift the worlds fastest renderer. Proxies ...